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Our surveys indicate that, for any organization to implement a workable cultural diversity program, individuals must reach within themselves. They must re-discover their personal experiences with cultural differences, and they must define personal culture. With this background established, we move to stipulate steps to create an environment for celebrating cultural differences and define diversity as a concept and a value.
We also help clients differentiate between incorporating cultural diversity and simply fulfilling mandatory programs such as Affirmative Action. We provide our clients with eight strategies for celebrating cultural differences and enumerate the benefits from business’s bottom line perspective. A native of Kenya, Dr. Kituku shares his personal cultural experiences (or shocks) as a student in Wyoming and a corporate America employee. He invites participants to relate to his own experiences and vulnerability with theirs. Another advantage Dr. Kituku had during this project was his in-depth background in conservation of natural resources (both as a student and leader). His college education was in Range Management and he worked in both Kenyan and American environmental organizations.
Responses: |
“Dear Dr Kituku…Your background and experiences lend themselves to a very interesting delivery which was most captivating…It was clear your were one of us and that out ultimate goal is one and the same…Thank you, once again, for the efforts you put into our theme of showing diversity in the workplace and in our lives. You were great!”
James Werntz, Director, Idaho Operations Office