To say things are bad (economically) is to state the obvious. Since the mortgage troubles began, millions of able and experienced people have lost their jobs. Thousands of businesses have been relegated to oblivion. But the saddest thing is that millions have started to lose their desire to keep trying.

In my own speaking, training, coaching and consulting industry, things can’t get worse. You look at your calendar and its emptiness makes you question whether you are nuts to believe that things will turn around. It is like you are swimming in shark-infested waters and unable to see the land because of fog.

That brings up a story I read of Florence Chadwick, the legendary American swimmer. She solidified her fame when she became the first woman to swim both ways of the 23 miles of the English Channel. But on another swim, fog blurred her ability to see the land and denied her the opportunity to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast.

According to the story, the water was extremely cold and because of thick fog, she was unable to see the boats that were supposed to keep sharks away from her. After swimming for more than 15 hours, she asked to be lifted from the water. Her trainer informed her that she was just about to reach dry land. But because she couldn’t see the land, she quit, just a half mile from her ultimate goal — the land.

There is no need to state how far we feel the “land” is from where we are when you send resumes and don’t get interviewed. You market your products and services, day after day, and yet don’t seem to be getting anywhere near your goal.

Your greatness, and mine, just like Florence Chadwick’s greatness, is not determined by an inconvenience that may blur our goal but by the whole story of our lives. Our challenge is to keep making efforts even when our expectations are not clear. It is not for nothing that you have persevered this far.
PLEASE NOTE: Kituku & Associates is providing discounted programs for past clients, if they book 2011-2012 within the next 30 days.
We want to be part of your solution and help your group stay focused, motivated and move forward in these chaotic times.
Call (208) 376-8724.


The goal is to make your yesterday’s dream, today’s routine, to live a life of fulfillment, with more than short-lived successes here and there. Not just to get by, but to surge ahead, every time reaching for new heights that bring you new energy, determination and resolve to be the best you can be professionally and personally.

This newsletter is designed to provide you with the tools you need to overcome “buffaloes” in your professional and personal life and inspire you to live up to your potential. It is a program for top achievers who are determined to grow themselves in preparation for a fulfilling future that starts now.
Lesson number 32 of the “Top 45 Must Know Lessons for Top Achievers” says, “Hard work beats underused talents all the time.” I love some of the things I have learned because of my lack of spectacular talents. Hard work is the only thing I know that Makes Failing a Non-option. You work knowing there is no room to fail. And even if you don’t achieve the desired results, you have gained profitable experience that prepares you to succeed in other projects.

One of my favorite quotes is by Major John L. Griffith.
He said, “I do not want anybody to convince my son that someone will guarantee him a living. I want him rather to realize that there is plenty of opportunity in this country for him to achieve success, but whether he wins or loses depends entirely on his own character, perseverance, thrift, intelligence and capacity to work hard.

"What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?" a student asked me as I was closing my presentation at Priest Lake Alternative High School in the West Bonner School District in Idaho.

My surprise was not the question that I had never been asked before. It was the response I gave. "To me, my greatest accomplishment was a decision that I made the day I failed to pass the high school admission exam in 1973." In that moment, when I responded to the student’s question, I realized that it was not the books that I had written or the Ph.D. program that I completed a decade ago or becoming a certified speaking professional, the highest designation for speaking professionals (fewer than 7% of us have achieved it).

The above, and several other attributes one might consider accomplishments were byproducts of a simple decision that I made in one of the darkest moments of my life. Failing was not unusual for me. But repeating 7th grade was an experience I wish I could forget. I had already spent four years in two grades. Yet, that was a pivotal moment that would shape the rest of my life.

It was the year I decided failing was not an option. As I prepared to repeat 7th grade and be in the same class with a brother three years younger than I, my uncle and an adopted brother left home for high school. Both were my classmates and had passed the same exam that I failed. Watching them wear shoes and long pants for the first time and having my father ask me to carry their luggage to the bus station was an embarrassment I wasn’t ready to experience twice.

I did whatever I had to, to pass that exam. I spent 30 minutes studying for it every night after everyone had gone to bed. Sometimes I would put my feet in a basin with cold water and drink strong tea just to stay awake. There were other aspects of my life that I had to completely change.

My past was not something I could change. But my future, regardless of the shameful past, was not yet tarnished. It was spotless. I stopped seeing myself as a victim of the decisions made by teachers or my father, and saw myself as someone with potential to achieve what others thought beyond my reach.

That was the year I chose to befriend students with goals to achieve. I was no longer willing to spend time with those who had failed like me. I decided not to associate with people with negative attitudes or those who whined about how hard things were.

Soon after passing the exam in 1974, what I mean when I say that, “What we do for ourselves can get us by, but what we do for others is what gets us ahead…” became evident. Not only did I continue with my extra daily 30 minutes of personal improvement, but in high school I started teaching adults from nearby villages how to write their names and numbers and do basic counting. Preparing for the classes I taught gave me commitment and discipline, two habits that I have cherished ever since.

Living beyond the goals you set today has become clearer over the years. It was not a matter of achieving my goal — joining high school, but going beyond high school. It was a matter of living my life as if going to high school was a normal step. It was a matter of starting to live the life I expected to live when joining high school was not a goal anymore.

It has been said that when one takes a leap, nature provides a cushion. Soon after my decision, people who wanted to help me and other needed resources seemed to be always available. Doors of unexpected opportunities also seemed to open from all directions.

Being resilient and having the ability to turn devastating experiences into opportunities for learning is not something I can claim to have had a say about. In 1974, David Musoo, my two-year-old brother, died. I was hospitalized with malaria. In the following year, my sister, Mwelu, drowned in a nearby river and my grandfather died a year later. Several years later, I lost two more brothers and another sister. Life, everyday, is a gift I receive. I just want to unwrap it and enjoy it when I can. That gift, which we receive without any merit, can and is taken as the giver wishes.

In this 20 pages book and the accompanying CD, you will learn the 7 Actions that Make Failing a Non-Option.
1. The first action is to understand your situation. Are you happy or not? Are you living up to your potential or not? Are you growing professionally or not? Are your relationships with the people you care about great or not? Without clear understanding of your current situation, it is next to impossible to think of a better tomorrow.
2. How to recognize your potential
3. Develop a plan of action that you can commit to on a daily basis
4. Become a maximum impact player
Know the five people to avoid as you learn, change and grow
6. Be a pioneer in your professional and personal frontiers
Keep it up: Know the challenge of staying on top

In Overcoming Buffaloes at Work
& in Life
, there is a story about how over
80% of adults don’t live up to their greatness because they suffer from what I call
“African Impala Syndrome.”

Jumping high and forward is an inborn talent for survival in the African impala. The impala is known to jump about ten feet high. This high jump propels the impala to land about thirty feet from the spot where it started. With this ability of vertical and horizontal jumping, the impala survives and thrives in the carnivore-infested savannas of Africa.

However, the impala has a unique limitation. It jumps only when it can see where it will land. I once read from an issue of “Bits and Pieces” that when the African impala is confined in a three-foot high fence, it won’t jump.

As I think of the African impala, I often wonder how we fail to live up to our potential because we suffer from “African Impala Syndrome.” We don’t “jump” unless we can see “where we will land.” When we suffer from this syndrome, we choose to tough it out in careers or work environments that may be stressful. We don’t let go of habits that may be detrimental to our growth. We don’t try new projects because we may not see what the results may be. We lack the faith needed to move forward.
  1. To jump forward, one has to use the word BUT cautiously. “But” is a “wall” that nips talents before they can blossom. When one’s life is governed by “buts,” chances are that his or her talents, gifts and experiences are underutilized.

  2. Understand that your not “jumping” not only hurts you, but all those who could benefit from your jumping. If you, as a parent or boss go back to school, chances are that your children or employees will emulate your example.

  3. To “jump” from your current state that you don’t like or wouldn’t like to be in five years from now, you only need permission from one person, YOU. Take inventory of what resources (people and material goods) you need to help you launch your “Jump.”

  4. Faith is a dynamic condition of mind through which desires, plans or goals are translated into tangible results. The first step of putting your faith in action is to determine your desire and purpose. The second is to pursue it no matter what obstacles you face.

  5. Once you have developed a goal, keep negative thoughts like failure, fear, anger and envy from your mind. Associate with people who will encourage you. Acknowledge that for every step backward, taking one or more forward steps will bring you closer to your goals.

  6. As you jump by faith toward your determined goal, never let a day pass without doing something related to your goal. Surround yourself with materials that are in tune with the goal you want to achieve, and always remember, the power of belief makes the difference.

  7. Remember, when we “jump,” we may suffer pain or failure. However, it is a tragedy for one to never live up to his potential because he didn’t jump. By not jumping, you may avoid pain or the experience of failure. But you won’t learn, change, or experience self-love and growth. And the pain that you are stuck in your situation and the regret that you did nothing about it when you could is more scathing. Only by jumping can’t we liberate ourselves and others to jump higher and farther.

  8. If you are waiting for inspiration in order to jump, you are a waiter.

  9. St. Augustine said, “God has promised forgiveness for your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow for your procrastination.”



SEPTEMBER 28: 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Wed)
SEPTEMBER 30: 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Fri)
OCTOBER 1: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Sat)

Doubletree by Hilton Boise Riverside, 2900 W Chinden Blvd, Garden City, ID
Ph. 343-1871

'If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: learning to write and to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.

- Gerald R. Ford. U.S. President
  1. YES NO
    Are your speeches and presentations clear and concise?

  2. YES NO
     Can you give speeches without notes?

  3. YES NO
    Are you nervous, forget what you planned and are terrified by public speaking?

  4. YES NO
    Can you think and speak on your feet?

  5. YES NO
    Can you inspire and captivate people to think and act?

  6. YES NO
    Do you know your signature story and how to tell it to
    influence people?

  7. YES NO
    Can you learn a story from an audience and use it for your advantage?

  8. YES NO
    Do your presentations have energy and impact to make them memorable?

  9. YES NO
    Are you able to influence people and negotiate/persuade effectively?

  10. YES NO
    Do you know how to declare your presence to any audience?

  11. YES NO
     Can you use PowerPoint without boring your audiences?

    If your answer to questions 2, 6, and 7 is
    YES, this seminar is for you.

    If your answer to 4 or more of the other questions is
    NO, register right away.

Power to inspire and wow audiences with your authenticity and speaking strengths

Skills to prepare and speak with confidence

Value-adding body language, gestures, voice, movement and facial expressions

Proven strategies to establish a rapport with any audience
Ability to develop compelling content
How to use storytelling, props, and humor to your advantage
Development of a professional image that demands respect
  • Develop the platform image that captivates audiences all the time

  • Know what makes each of your presentations memorable

  • Learn to make any audience listen, learn and call you back

  • Top tips to turn your fear of public speaking into a profitable possession

  • 3 strategies you need to know and relate with any of your audience’s expectations

  • Learn how to make your information lead to maximum audience learning experience

  • How to use your uniqueness and deliver presentations skillfully

  • Why, when and which tangibles to use for maximum presentation impact

  • Getting from unknown to a celebrated and well paid speaker/trainer or consultant

  • How to charge morally acceptable fees you don’t feel guilty about

  • 9 proven ways to market your business with minimum budget for maximum returns

  • How to create a dominant presence and derive rewards in a competitive market

  • The Be-MISH strategy that gets you paid for your expertise and speaking skills

  • The 7 streams of income that keep dollars flowing into your business

  •  Strategies for leveraging your services to add value for clients and increase your fees

  • How to skyrocket your profits and minimize your costs with every engagement

Discounted Rate information:
$495 BEFORE September 25th
$795 AFTER September 25th
$349 For Part I or Part II
Note: Your investment includes meals—dinners, lunch and refreshments and workbooks. Please note—you can transfer your investment to later dates or another seminar or to a colleague. We have no refund policy once you have registered for this seminar. Limited space!
4 Easy Ways to Register:

Register Online - Click Here
Call  (208) 376-8724 or 1-888-685-1621
Fill out and Fax Downloadable form
to (208) 323-7612 or email
Email or

Guarantee: You will not be disappointed! Please note: this is not for people who just want to give presentations. This is for individuals who want to inspire, challenge, influence people and change the world.



Native of Kenya, Africa, and resident of Idaho since 1992, Vincent has been a featured speaker and trainer at numerous Real Estate conferences and training programs. An award winning speaker and writer, he is one of the less than 7% of all professional speakers to earn a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), the highest award for professional speakers. Dr. Kituku has worked with championship sports teams and trained leaders on how to inspire productivity all the time. What sets Vincent apart is his ability to weave life experiences in Africa with corporate America and culture in providing solutions for personal and professional growth.
Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku is known as a research-based motivational speaker. He presents motivational keynotes and training programs on leadership, employee motivation, overcoming buffaloes at work (change), customer service and living and working with cultural differences. Vincent is the founder and president of Kituku & Associates, LLC, a business that is dedicated to developing leaders and employees in business and in life.

What has set Dr. Kituku apart is the ability to use his experience in research to evaluate/assess client needs and then tailor his keynotes/training presentation to meet their objectives. Harold G. Delamarter, President/CEO, Prestige Care Inc. said, "Before the Retreat, Dr. Kituku gained as much information as possible about our company and the industry we are involved in. He made telephone calls to management team members to tailor his seminar very closely to the needs of our employees and the circumstances they face each day in the present economy. Dr. Kituku was so widely received in July, the decision was made to ask him to return to again present to our company in October."

Vincent's clients list includes Cisco Systems, Micron, Hewlett Packard, Genworth Financial, US Fish and Wildlife, US Air Force, Women Council of Realtors and National Association of Mental Health. He has been the motivational speaker for the successful Boise State Football Team since 1998. Dr. Kituku works have been featured by numerous publications including the Presentations Magazine, SkyWest Magazine, National Speakers Association Magazine and many newspapers which publish his weekly columns. Vincent holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation that is earned by fewer than 7% of all speakers worldwide.


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